Hello, gorgeous, and happy winter solstice! ❄️
I hope that your winter is warm, soft, and fuzzy in all the right places!
As we enter Capricorn season, with Mercury retrograde in full effect, now is the time for deep rest and review of this past cycle around the Sun — that’s when new year resolutions start to creep in, but more importantly, that’s when a newfound clarity is being formed, strong of all the past year’s experiences 🦄
I don’t know about you, babe, but for me, it’s more than just the past year I’m reflecting on: it’s a whole cycle that started two years ago. Astrologically, this is due to the fact that last month marked the end of a two-year cycle of eclipses on the Scorpio-Taurus axis that started on November 19th, 2021 — my birthday, during which I went through quite a dark night of the soul that led to a whole spiritual initiation and transformation. If you have strong Taurus and/or Scorpio placements, you’ve probably been experiencing this past couple of years as very intense, too.
And this is exactly why I felt compelled to share with you a deep dive into what I call my Shero’s journey. In this podcast episode, which I almost subtitled “What two years of deep healing taught me”, I share everything from the aforementioned process of spiritual elevation (others might say spiritual awakening) that took place and the fertile soil that allowed it to happen the way it did, to my personal understanding of polarity in romantic relationships and of my part in the dynamic, as well as how I finally got (back!) in touch with my authentic flavor of femininity.
I riff about finding and maintaining spiritual alignment and how I developed my psychic abilities as a result, and I let you in on the deeper work I had to do to take responsibility for my energy and clean my side of the street to manifest my dream romantic relationship. You’ll hear me say this on repeat: only when you take responsibility for your energy and what you’re bringing to the table can you actually take your relationship to the next level. In other words, focus on you, boo!
I firmly believe that the old paradigm of manipulative 3D seduction techniques and dating unspoken rules is cancelled: all it did for you was prevent you from doing the deeper work and digging deeper into the layers of your psyche to uncover all your trauma, which, newsflash, is also the very thing that kept you in the dark and in a deep spiritual slumber. I know because that was me, pre-2021, before I discovered what I call the 5D relationship energetics and got educated on the infamous chaser/runner dynamics, attachment theory, and all the conscious relationship lexicon. Before I discovered that you can actually heal in love 💖
And so my message for you, babe, is that it’s not that love hurt you: love is giving you an opportunity to look at your shit — yes, all that stuff you swept under the rug and got you stuck in (karmic) loops of repeating the same lousy relationship patterns. It is up to you to heal it.
While the way healing will look for you might be very different from what it did for me… What I know for sure is that love is the invitation. To heal, to elevate… And ultimately, to become more of who you truly are. And the moment you accept that invitation… is when your Shero’s journey begins.
And when you’re ready… You will long to taste your unique flavor of true, embodied femininity and to tap into your own feminine essence. You will long to Become The Muse.
I hope you love this episode, babe, and I can’t wait to see you on the show!
Mwah! 💋