In an era that has been described as the “Frequency Wars” by the Pleiadians as channeled by Wendy Kennedy, it is now more important than ever to have a practice to calibrate to the frequency you want to broadcast on the daily. Whether it be through the means of future scripting, voice noting your friends about your ideal day, listening to a podcast, meditating to some of my High Vibe Audios, dancing to the High Vibe AF playlist, reading galactic literature, or all of the above, allocating time daily to tend to your vibration as not just a sacred practice but as a spiritual hygiene routine will not just allow you to save the day, but to actually create days so lit you will wonder how you could just get by and let yourself be tossed around by external circumstances, such as the current astrological weather or other people’s frequencies.
You guys have been enjoying my book shares on my recent Instagram stories, so I’ve decided to give you a more in-depth look at my personal favorite High Vibe Reads, as I like to call them. In this first edition of the digest, I have curated for you a selection of books on… (drumroll, please…) ✨Personal Power✨ —that you need to read like yesterday. From Pleiadian wisdom to Paris Hilton’s Memoir, expect a High Vibe AF selection that will uplevel both your bookshelf and your frequency 💅
Let’s get started!
Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak
Barbara Marciniak’s first book, Bringers of the Dawn, which you’ve heard me mention on the podcast a few times, is considered a classic of galactic literature and some of the best channeled material for good reason. However, Path of Empowerment, published in 2004, far surpasses it in my opinion. This high-frequency transmission, while carrying the unmistakable energy signature of the Pleiadians, is a Bible on personal power in its own right.
If I thought I had highlighted and screenshot the most passages in a book when I first read Bringers of the Dawn, never in my whole life have I done so for as many pages and passages in a single book as I did while reading Path of Empowerment.
The transmission is so rich that I have had to regularly re-read some of the pages I’ve bookmarked to fully integrate the wisdom and truly connect with these new frequencies. Forget about psychology manuals; this book alone is worth a century’s worth of writings on emotional intelligence and energetic literacy—after all, it’s coming from the future!
There is no story, no plot, and very little structure. However, this is not the focus of the book, nor is it necessary. For those of you who, to quote one of my BFFs, “don’t have a Layla”, or, in other words, who haven’t connected to a cosmic self of theirs (yet?), the words you’ll read in Path of Empowerment could be the cosmic voice of wisdom you didn’t know you needed to replace your negative self talk when it creeps on you in the morning, accompanied by crippling feelings of anxiety (am I right?). Read it with an open heart, and trust that every time you flip a page of this book, you will find the exact line you need to uplift your spirits.
One of my all-time favorite high vibrational books, that I have read religiously every morning (and sometimes even at night!) like one would read the Bible, to calibrate my frequency. It has made my heart sing and has put a smile on my face, even during these losing combos of lunar eclipses, these times of the month, and personal challenges. Life-altering, I’m telling you.
Rich as F*ck by Amanda Frances
Even though she may not know that I exist, Amanda is my money mindset coach, one of my role models and possibly my favorite teacher on the topic of energy. She writes like she speaks: with a beautiful southern drool from Oklahoma (I’ve always loved this accent!) and a side of F-bombs. Not your typical channel, but undoubtedly a very tapped-in one with a profound understanding of wealth energetics; she’s the Abraham Hicks of money. You’ll get inspired by her story, motivated by her prompts and exercises, and lit up by the new beliefs she offers.
Here, the empowerment is financial, but not only: as she puts it herself, « You think it’s about money, but it’s actually not just about money ». And she’s right: It’s about taking responsibility for your reality, financial and otherwise, and creating the version of it that you truly desire. Whether you’re already making 7 figures or you’re just getting started healing that area of your life, this book will meet you where you’re at. Do yourself a favor and read this book ASAP!
The Hathor Material by Tom Kenyon
I don’t know if it’s the story of the human being who thought he was destined to become a rock star singer and turned out to be one of the greatest channels and sound healers alive, the beautiful vibration of the Hathors (that I myself channel), the wisdom from ancient Egypt, or the visualization exercises that act like a gym for your consciousness and grow your manifestation muscle like nothing else that hooked me, but this book is multidimensional AF and an absolute must read. I promise you you’ll breathe differently because you’ll understand your prana, you’ll do relationships differently because you’ll understand them as a playground for self-expression, and you’ll manifest differently because not only you’ll have practical exercises for that, but you’ll also understand your creative power more broadly. Timeless.
The Golden Lake by Lyssa Royal Holt
I don’t even know where to start with this book. As I wrote in a previous article, Lyssa Royal Holt is a galactic channel I feel endless admiration for. The first time I saw her channel in a video on Gaia TV, I cried. Seeing her in action triggered a deep remembrance in me. Beyond the purity of her transmission, beyond the beauty of the wisdom she was the conduit for, it’s really the generosity with which she makes herself the voice for galactic wisdom that profoundly touched me and made me realize that this was something that I myself also wanted, at a soul level, to offer the world.
As a channel myself, I know that part of our mission is to do the work so that our ego doesn’t taint our channeling; in other words, we have to make our unconscious conscious so that our projections don’t color or distort the transmission. It takes the willingness to look deep within yourself and embrace everything you find there with unconditional acceptance. And whether you desire to become a channel yourself or are just insanely curious about your true origins as a human being, true empowerment starts with the willingness to see and know the truth about who you are.
In this book, the truth of who you are goes way beyond mainstream psychology: it goes back to the primal soul wounds of humanity, which actually started in what Lyssa calls the Prism of Lyra, the title of her first book and the real cradle of our civilization, before we even came to Earth. When you get to know and understand the true history of your species, instead of just the story of your ancestors going back a few centuries, not only do you get a broader picture, but you will start to see yourself as part of a grand cosmic dance and understand how your own personal empowerment as an individual ripples out in the universe and sets in motion the evolution of an entire galactic civilization—ours!
A channeled manual of psycho-spiritual teachings from our star brothers and sisters in this galaxy, this is the book that will allow you to stop seeing yourself as someone broken who needs fixing and instead recognize yourself as the powerful being who carries the potential for human evolution that you truly are. Next level empowerment!
Paris: The Memoir by Paris Hilton
This one is so personal. For years, all I knew about Paris was her last name and a killer photoshoot she had done with David Lachapelle. As a former model, these images served as some of my first inspos for my own shoots. Fast forward a few years later, while dabbling into podcasting with my now-canceled first show co-hosted with one of my best friends, I stumbled upon Paris’ podcast, which she had coincidentally launched at the same time. Of course I listened, and what I discovered was a smart, kind, funny woman with a huge heart. As a vocal empath who connects to other people’s emotions and personalities just by hearing their voices, I loved her instantly.
Her book had been on my list for some time, but it’s only recently, as I stumbled upon her latest photos shot by my friend Brian Ziff on Instagram, that I felt the sacral “fuck yes” that was my cue to read it ASAP. I formed an artistic connection with Brian over the internet shortly after winning the XBIZ award for female clip performer of the year. We were planning to do a photoshoot together in Paris someday, but then lockdown happened, so instead, we started exchanging videos of ourselves playing the piano or of our cats—I would send him videos of my cat Ruby and her impeccable training as a circus cat (quarantine made me do it). One day, he posted images of Paris, looking Andromedan AF, posing like an alien Barbie wearing a Thierry Mugler catsuit under pink skies, either on a silver mirror with inscriptions in light-language and neon pink holographic hummingbirds (whoever knows me knows I have a secret obsession with hummingbirds) or before a backdrop of a futuristic crystal city. As an Andromedan starseed myself, who spent lifetimes in the pastel-colored Andromeda galaxy before moving to the Milky Way through the Orion belt, excuse me while I feel all of this otherworldly beauty in the depths of my soul!
And so, of course, my next read had to be Paris’ book. I initially was drawn to her book because she is obviously a genius businesswoman and OG influencer leading a billion-dollar brand, and I have the desire to become an incredible, soul-led businesswoman myself. What I discovered was the unapologetic free spirit of an Andromedan soul, a sense of humor like no other, and the story of a girl who truly loves life and celebrates it like it’s her job—because it literally is. She doesn’t just love the glitter, the beauty, and the joy of life; she IS all that. Even her aura is glittery—I have this, too, as is typical of us Andromedan starseeds. I feel like we’ve known each other in previous galactic lifetimes (Paris, if you read this, I love you beyond!).
This book is the fast-paced and star-studded testament of a neurodivergent woman’s self-empowerment journey. Despite all the privileges associated with her last name, she endured some of the most severe abuse and profound traumas imaginable for millennial women. She kept choosing to see beauty and fight for her personal power every single time regardless—and went on to share it all with the whole planet.
At first, I was hesitant to share this book in an article about “high vibe reads” because it is far from being about just rainbows and unicorns (although Paris advocates for these fiercely). However, greater consciousness means the ability to see and hold space for more of both darkness and light. And let me tell you: the contrast is real. The part where she describes the abuse she went through is soul-wrenching. As she wrote herself, she didn’t even want this to be part of her story. But it’s her ability to rise above it all, to infinity and beyond, that is immensely inspiring.
If it doesn’t make you fall in love with the character, reading her memoirs will both feel like that long-overdue sleepover night with your BFF, doing prank calls and laughing until you cry in a Beverly Hills mansion (vibes), and cracking your heart wide open for this insanely courageous teenager girl who refused to stop believing in kindness and love even in the midst of extreme abuse and who, eventually, grew up to become the freedom fighter and true light warrior she is.
A lit AF book that is sure to make you fall deeper in love with the human experience, and an exemplary demonstration of a very human woman choosing the path of self-empowerment.
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