Hello gorgeous !
I hope you’re doing amazing during this eclipse season 🌒 Cue the Kris Jenner meme, “You’re doing amazing, sweetie!”
I mean, has anyone else been feeling this intensity lately? Because with eclipses, it’s not just something on the day of. In fact, the energy builds up weeks before…
Eclipses are portals to quantum leap, shift timelines, and literally upgrade our reality. And if things have seemed to be rough for the collective lately, that’s because there’s a huge energetic battle taking place. Is humanity going to rise up to the challenge? I could go on and on about the subject for hours. But instead, let me share with you a riff that will serve you in a more practical way: in times of chaos, it is of utmost importance that we take care of our own reality and of our faith in the future, and stay connected to our highest timeline.
My What if? Riff is a spontaneous recording that I felt everyone in the #GirlsWhoManifest community should hear, and so I have put it up for free on the podcast for you as a bonus episode (also, did you peep the new artwork for the show?). We know we have to be the change we want to see in the world; therefore, we have to take ownership and responsibility for creating the most beautiful timelines for our world. We are powerful creators, and I want you to remember that, babe.
And as much as I love participating in all the meditations for peace, I feel way more in service and in my purpose when I empower, or at least inspire, even just a tiny bit, beautiful women with big hearts (like you!) to take control of their own destiny and create their own version of peace in the world. It all starts within! And so allow yourself to sit back, relax, and allow yourself to connect to the words and to their energy, and make them yours. Because, what if it was all possible?
I hope with all my heart that you will enjoy listening to this, babe!
With so much love and the brightest light, mwah! 💋✨🪽