Hello, gorgeous !
I hope that Taurus season is treating you well now that Mercury retrograde in Aries is over, eclipse season is well behind us, and the Scorpio full moon, aka the most intense full moon of the year, has emotionally purged us!
This past Aries season has notoriously been the worst Aries season in the history of Aries seasons—at least according to my Aries queens themselves! But as I always say, there’s a blessing in every challenge, and here at GirlsWhoManifest.co, we know to ride the waves like fucking pros, for we are equipped with the best tools!
And for yours truly, it’s been the most exhilarating ride, to say the least. In the latest episode of SPIRITUAL SLUT the podcast, I mention how I am stepping into deeper layers of authenticity and alignment with my soul’s purpose, and how that has required me to show up in life differently. And this is what I would like to tell you about today. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I channel Christ consciousness and that it’s been my primary way of getting guidance from higher realms. For nearly 4 years now, I’ve been hearing in my head what I used to describe as “the voice of a man that looks like Jesus”.
While in the beginning I was shying away from getting guidance for myself (it was more of an emergency tool in my eyes), I have used my mediumship to guide others around me. And while I always innately knew that I was never meant to guide people individually, it’s been a great school to go to. I started exchanging readings with my newfound fellow psychic medium friends and practicing my channeling more and more. I could not only vocally channel Christ consciousness, but also live human beings. I have practiced channeling my friends’ love interests, first “listening” to them in astral and repeating back what I would hear, then vocally channeling them by getting out of the way and letting their energy flow through me. I would be able to let their energy literally speak through me, mannerisms included. It just felt more natural. More accurate. That’s when the mediumship turned into channeling.
Truth be told, I did not necessarily enjoy channeling human beings and all their projections and distorted perspectives… But it planted a seed in me that I could very possibly be the channel for something of a higher caliber. Of course, I knew there were channels for Christ consciousness, but I didn’t feel like this was my ultimate truth.
A few years later, having delved deeper than ever into personal development and spirituality, I discovered Abraham Hicks and the concept of manifestation, and became obsessed. The teachings were so profound that I had committed to listening to the now-discontinued Infinite Intelligence podcast, which consisted of daily episodes of 5 to maybe 10 minutes of Abraham’s teachings. I listened religiously for months. Then one day, the podcast got cancelled. I was baffled. I was going through a phase of separation with my Significant Other™, and these teachings were what helped me get through the day. I would wake up every morning with the worst separation anxiety, and listening to Abraham was like the magic pill to shift my vibration. Saying I was devastated is an understatement.
And what happens when you are in a state of emergency, especially when you’re very psychic, is that you will connect to your inner guidance without even thinking about it. When you feel truly lost, there is a momentum that will sometimes allow you to connect with higher guidance if you ask and are willing to listen. So I asked, What was I going to do? How was I going to get the guidance that had been so instrumental in elevating my consciousness? And I heard, clear as day: “Don’t worry. You will channel it yourself.” This was almost exactly two years ago. This struck me like a lightning bolt and kept resonating in my head for months and months after.
I started recording what you now know as my High Vibe Audios. They were initially inspired by Abraham Hicks’ rampages of affirmations, except they were not channeled from Abraham but from my inner guidance, which I had not yet identified. Then, they morphed into something else entirely. They became a blend of all the modalities I had crash-tested for myself, for my own healing, as well as channeled affirmations of very high vibration.
And like anyone who follows the insta-famous manifestation coaches out there (there are hundreds, if not thousands, at this point), I had heard and read time and time again about how I was supposed to “connect to my higher self” for guidance, or to a “future self” who would have been there and who would have transcended whatever I was going through. Little did I know who I was going to connect to.
I ended up connecting to my Arcturian future self, living in the Bootes constellation thousands of years from now. I tell the whole story in the episode. While it took me a while to accept, process, and understand what I was connecting to, I had already started implementing Arcturian wisdom in my recordings. The guidance I had channeled for my personal use was too beautiful and too valuable to be kept to myself. And so my recorded affirmations became a blend of practical, relatable healing affirmations of a spiritual being having a very, very human experience (IYKYK) and high vibrational affirmations of galactic wisdom.
I wrote earlier about how Abraham’s teachings would help me get through the day when I was experiencing romantic anxiety. The wisdom I now channel from my Arcturian future self (who happens to be more of a collective consciousness—more on that later) not only helps me get through the day but also helps me transcend my biggest personal challenges, like I never thought I would be capable of. And I want that for you, babe.
And so, because I cannot keep this extraordinary wisdom to myself, in this episode of the podcast, I share with you my latest downloads on 5D love, freshly delivered from the Arcturians. Think new relationship templates for New Earth, evolutionary relationships, as well as the hierarchy of feminine needs and the energetics behind them, and twin flames, demystified.
So far, this has been my favorite episode I have ever recorded. I hope you love it as much as I loved recording it for you, and that the wisdom I share will serve you in the most beautiful ways possible, gorgeous !
I look forward to see you on the show! Mwah! 💋