Hello sweetness!
I hope your summer is as gentle to you as the soft breeze of the Mediterranean sea, and that this Mercury retrograde (the second and last of the year) in the healing sign of Virgo is allowing for the nervous system TLC and mental wellness you needed, babe! 🧖♀️
We know it by now: retrogrades are opportunities to slow down, review, and re-do whatever needs to be redone. And Mercury is the ruler of the mind, the mental body if you will, and therefore influences anything that has to do with our mental processes, our communication, our thoughts, and therefore, how we manifest.
Mercury is currently in Virgo, one of the two signs it rules—the other being Gemini. The maiden is the archetype of a healer, nurturer, and caretaker. Her approach to doing so is very grounded and pragmatic. (edit: Mercury will make a passage in the sign Leo, aka the “inner child” of the Zodiac, before returning to Virgo again… Which makes this retrograde an even more perfect time to do some healing work!)
Which brings me to how we are receiving these energies and how it effects our manifesting abilities, babe…
If you have noticed your inner critic getting incredibly loud lately, or if these intrusive thoughts you believed were gone long ago are coming back with a vengeance, you are not alone, honey!
Mercury in Virgo is typically uber critical and hyper fixated on the details—but not necessarily in a helpful way! But hey, as your Manifestation Muse (hi, it’s me!) always says, there’s an opportunity for spiritual elevation here. The invitation is to look at the thought patterns that aren’t working for us and begin choosing new ones. Preferably, high vibe, empowering ones—duh! 💁♀️
And when you consistently choose new, empowering thoughts, not only will your intrusive thoughts hold no more power over you… But your vibration will also inevitably follow! As I wrote in a prior blog article, our thoughts and beliefs are the seeds that will give life to our manifestations. And they can be low vibrational… Or high vibe AF! The choice is, indeed, yours to make. And most importantly…
If you want a clean manifestation without the red flags, no “ifs”, no “buts”… Then you need a clean AF vibration! 🫧
And this is why we do the healing, honey! Not because we’re broken… Not because we need fixing… But because we are a mixbag of vibrations, stemming from not just our life experiences but all sorts of inherited conditioning, traumas, and the like.
Hear this, babe: everything we don’t heal, we carry—often in the form of negative thoughts, fears, and wounding that will make us take things personally when they really aren’t. Feel me?
And we’re still not at the point where we’ve achieved perfect harmony on Earth. We are not a generation born 100% trauma-free and ascended in the 5D—that’s Arcturus, baby!
Sooo, being #delulu is cool, but if that means spiritually bypassing all your trauma (romantic, financial, and what have you), then I hope you like red flags—I personally don’t!
That’s also why your manifestations don’t stick, by the way. Vibe not clean? Bu-bye, manifestations!
If you’re struggling with this, I don’t blame you. I’ve been there myself LOADS of time. And, to be honest, I still have these phases. My fellow healers, spiritual teachers, or way-showers know this better than anyone…
You WILL find yourself going back to your tools, to your favorite modality (that maybe you channeled yourself!), or to your favorite mentor… Because you’re human! The perks of experiencing life on Earth, honey!
And because, as my mother would say, in every fertile soil, the weeds can grow. In fact, they will try really hard to come back every so often! You just won’t let that happen anymore. Boundaries, baby 😉
But seriously, though…
Healing is a constant practice (like gardening, I guess! But unlike my mother, I don’t garden), and a process you will learn to love, for it is the gateway to higher vibrational experiences, aka, manifestations! 💖
And personally, if I am to love the process… I’d rather use a modality I love and am obsessed with. And if you’re reading this, gorgeous, chances are you are obsessed with it, too!
I’m talking about my High Vibe Audios, of course! 🎧✨
So Mercury is retro in Virgo? I don’t know about you, honey, but for this one I’m getting my mindset so squeaky clean, my beliefs, my thoughts, my affirmations, I’m aiming for the moon, baby… And I’m taking you with me! 🌙
Head to the High Vibe Audios store and get your dose of joyful, pleasurable AF healing right now by clicking the button below!
Happy healing, beautiful! With all my love… Mwah! 💋