Hello gorgeous !
I hope you’re off to a great Gemini season and that you’re enjoying the current cosmic vibes!
Speaking of vibes, have you noticed these perfectionist tendencies flaring up like crazy lately? I certainly did, and so I went to my usual spot on the beach to do a little channeling session, and what came up was that it was not just about me but for the collective. I was feeling the influence of the cosmos rather than just going through an intimate, personal process.
And so, as you could expect from your (hopefully!) fave Manigen of a podcaster getting a download, I ran to my computer to check the planetary transits and human design gates that were activated, and lo and behold, we have the Sun shining its bright rays on Gate 16, the Gate of Skills, which speaks to mastery, honing your craft, and, you guessed it, perfectionism. Which led me to an impromptu recording of the latest podcast episode, aptly named Perfectionism & Moi – but truly, it’s also perfectionism and you (we’re in it together, babe!).
While I could totally recommend about half a million books (and just as many podcasts) on the topic to you, nothing helped me more than going through the motions myself, both as the perpetrator and as someone on the receiving end of perfectionism. And I have to say, it’s not as black-and-white as most academic psychology and self-development books would have you think: from my experience, it is a much more nuanced and complex relationship that we have with our vision (artistic, professional, romantic, and what have you) and our ability to bring this vision to life — our competence, our… skills, in fact! Did anyone say Gate 16?
And as for any relationship of any kind, perfectionism doesn’t have to be an entirely negative, fixed trait, and it’s not necessarily solely about self-sabotage either —although it can totally be! As humanity raises its consciousness, we are now more and more apt to find the silver lining in anything and see the positive aspects it may hold, or the growing edges if you prefer, while also being able to do the shadow work that we came here to do (some will call it karma; I say it’s a concept from the Age of Pisces, and I believe, like many other psychic mediums, that the next generations will be born without karma).
Either way, I came to the conclusion that it had more to do with the consciousness with which you infuse your relationship to your vision and your skills than with inheriting a personality, dare I say, a psychological trait that you can’t do anything about — oh, the victim mindset that comes with the lower octave of the Age of Pisces! And so, in this episode, I share with you some mindset shifts and helpful reframes around perfectionism, as well as the usual, healthy dose of anecdotes from my personal life, inside and outside the bedroom, with the intention of providing you with tools and awareness to navigate your next flare-ups of perfectionism with ease and flow — and of course, with the highest vibes! Enough said; I’ll let you listen!
Enjoy this one, babe, and feel free to let me know in the comments how you liked it! You know I love connecting with you all!
With impeccable (dare I say perfect?) vibes, ✨