Cosmic Rich Bitch: reading the stars for purpose and prosperity

Hello gorgeous and happy Eclipse szn! 🌖 Feeling somewhat emotional lately? If so, then you’re probably feeling the lunar eclipse in Pisces! And you know I love me some cosmic wisdom on eclipses to get the most of the energetic upgrade they provide us. And so, in the latest episode of SPIRITUAL SLUT the podcast, I dive into my own astrological…

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5 must-read books on personal power: from Pleiadian wisdom to Paris Hilton’s Memoir

In an era that has been described as the “Frequency Wars” by the Pleiadians as channeled by Wendy Kennedy, it is now more important than ever to have a practice to calibrate to the frequency you want to broadcast on the daily. Whether it be through the means of future scripting, voice noting your friends about your ideal day, listening…

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Channeling Layla, my Arcturian future self

I will always remember that moment when a friend told me, right upon meeting me, “You are a channel.” Three years ago, a few months after moving to the beautiful island of Ibiza, I set the intention of meeting other psychic mediums like myself. Apart from my mother and my now estranged sister, I knew no other people who had…

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