Princess treatment only! Demystifying dark feminine energy and being a high value woman

Venus is now retrograde, which means we are in that 40 days time-frame where all of our values are up for their every year and a half review: love, relationships, and money are in the spotlight, baby!  You’ve heard it from the Instagram astrologers: it’s that time when the exes make their come back, and when couples tend to break up—or…

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You’re not a gold digger! Dating like a queen: Turn up your feminine magnetism to attract true provider kings

Your one and only Manifestation Muse has been dating like a queen, and an update is long overdue! In the latest episode of SPIRITUAL SLUT the podcast, I share with you the personal tea on my twin flame journey, and my process of getting back in the dating scene, this time as a woman who has done the work and…

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Level Up in Love

Hello gorgeous, and happy Valentine’s season! 💖 Ahhh, this time of the year where our email inbox vomits pink heart emojis, where our social media feed is serving us Barbie-core like it’s its job, and where we either feel anxiety building up by the minute in anticipation for V-day (he will remember, right?), or… the biggest FOMO ever (this situationship isn’t gonna do anything for my…

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50 shades of feminine emotions… Part 2

Hello gorgeous , and happy full moon in Leo! 🌕 If you’re feeling aaaall the drama right now, that’s absolutely normal — and a perfect time to release it (that’s what full moons are for!). And so, Leo moons are all about the aforementioned drama, self-expression, and the inner child. Leo is the performer of the Zodiac, after all! If that…

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50 Shades of feminine emotions, part 1

Hello angel, and happy new moon in Capricorn! 🌑 Whew! What an intense one indeed! I don’t know if you’re feeling it too, but it’s hitting me in all the right places, namely in my astrological first house. The effects of a new moon or full moon are usually felt the most a couple of days prior and after its…

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