How beautiful

Hello gorgeous !  I hope you’re doing beautifully in this admittedly very sexual and intense new moon in Scorpio. Unlike the picture above would have you imagine, I am writing you from the bottom of my couch, lying under my blanket, and, full disclosure, having a quite intense episode of period pain. You probably get what I’m saying, and I’m pretty…

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Summer body, heartset ready

Hi gorgeous! In the words of Abraham Hicks, ask, and it is given! By popular request, I go on a deep dive on the topic of self love on the latest episode of SPIRITUAL SLUT the podcast, and it’s juicy AF! And with summer being just around the corner, is there a better time to discuss bodily aesthetics? In this eppy, you’ll…

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A Self Love Spell

Hello gorgeous! I hope you’re feeling your highest, sexiest and most feminine self today! Truly, what a miracle it is to be incarnated in a female body! Raise your hand if you tend to forget it sometimes – I’m raising both my hands right now! Are you with me? I got you, babe! Let’s take a moment to remember the…

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