Hypnosis and NLP are cancelled: time for new modalities in the Age of Aquarius

I’ve earned quite a reputation as an award-winning erotic hypnotist. Mind you, I grew up in a household of psychotherapists, with a father who writes books about NLP and hypnotherapy and a mother who uses hypnosis in her practice. Needless to say, I learned the tricks of the trade while growing up and literally learning my mother tongue.  And so,…

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Level Up in Love

Hello gorgeous, and happy Valentine’s season! 💖 Ahhh, this time of the year where our email inbox vomits pink heart emojis, where our social media feed is serving us Barbie-core like it’s its job, and where we either feel anxiety building up by the minute in anticipation for V-day (he will remember, right?), or… the biggest FOMO ever (this situationship isn’t gonna do anything for my…

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For life to give you lemons… A word about beliefs

Working on your beliefs is something that’s all the rage right now in the spiritual space. And while I think that’s amazing… There’s so much more to it. In fact, what I know to be true is that your beliefs are probably less than 1% of what you need to manifest. But here’s the thing: without this one percent, you…

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The universe is my sugar daddy (and yours, too!)

Hello beautiful and happy eclipse #2! If you have been following me for a while, then you know that eclipses are portals to shifting timelines and quantum leaping… Which we are all about it here in the #GirlsWhoManifest community! And as if this wasn’t enough, we are entering Scorpio season, so needless to say, we are off to an intense month…

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Go big or go home

Hello gorgeous angel, and happy new moon in Virgo! As we set our intention for the next cycle and as Mercury turns direct again, we find ourselves back in the perfect cosmic sweet spot to manifest again! It kind of feels like we’re going back to the school of life, now equipped with new tools, new ambitions, and, clearly, new energy!…

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