Hello beautiful and happy eclipse #2!
If you have been following me for a while, then you know that eclipses are portals to shifting timelines and quantum leaping… Which we are all about it here in the #GirlsWhoManifest community! And as if this wasn’t enough, we are entering Scorpio season, so needless to say, we are off to an intense month of deep, deep transformation and alchemy. As a Scorpio myself, I couldn’t be more in my element!
Whether you are a Scorpio or not, and whether you are into these deep, uncharted waters or not, I am here to decode it all for you, babe! I might have big Sag energy, but I’m also a Scorpio stellium at heart (not to mention, with the inclusion of a Scorpio Mercury), so decoding energetics of any kind is one thing that I do extremely well! 🦂✨
And on that topic, I’ve been diving deep into wealth energetics and educating myself on the subject lately. I tell you all about it in the latest episode of the show: the mentors I look up to, my perspective on coaching in general, and, of course, my money story, which I share candidly with all the juicy details, from my money lineage and financial literacy (or lack thereof!) in my family to making bank as a top-earning stripper and model to having built upper-six-figure businesses — and then starting it aaaall over again!
In short, you are in for a treat as I discuss all things money mindset x manifestation: million-dollar condos, how to make affirmations work for you (and for good!), and cherry on top, my latest favorite practice: the “Lasagna Technique”, aka my very own twist on future scripting, partially inspired by Dr. Laura Berman’s latest book Quantum Love (an absolute must read if you ask me!), a technique so powerful that I’m already receiving the home decor before the house I’m manifesting — it’s that mind boggling! 🤯
And because this episode wouldn’t be complete without me speaking about affirmations and other high-vibe spoken word material, I share with you my latest offer in that department (drumroll, please!): ✨The Manifestation Bundle✨ — aka the full package to manifest whatever you are calling in 😍
So get cozy, grab yourself a cup of matcha latte (or pumpkin spice latte, or… whatever warms your heart chakra this season), press play, and receive, babe: the universe is, indeed, your sugardaddy! 👸💅✨
See you in the episode! Mwah! 💋